Degrees Of Separation

To start off this game is one of the most visually amazing games I have ever played! With that being said you are in charge of controlling two characters who can control the seasons, winter or summer. With that being said you have to be completely in sync to be able to complete the levels. You have to maneuver through obstacles while being completely in sync with your counterpart. That isn’t as easy was it seems. 

When you have to get traction on a mountain you have to move the characters to make sure winter isn’t on the side that you need to climb. As well as when you need to freeze the lake to walk over it to get to the other side. With this game it was amazing playing it and really challenging playing by yourself. This game is made to be played with two people because of you being able to control two characters simultaneously. 

I’m, currently still playing through this game and I am almost done with it. But the only problem is playing it by myself, that’s where the challenge lies! As of right now I will be keeping this updated once I get further along in the game. 


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