Lady and gentlemen we have upon us St Jude Play Live. I myself will be taking part in this event. We have as of right now probably a close to 100 streamers. I will be participating in this event raising money for the organization, I will be streaming Overwatch and some other games. I may have some giveaways during the stream so please tune in and lets do this for the children. While our fearless leader MsVixen(Twitch) Please give her a follow as well. With this being said I have a goal of 100 to raise for the event. If you can please give her a follow as well as my twitch channel in the process Techieoverload With this being said I hope to see all of you in my stream to help out the children in need to finish off more then likely I will be streaming towards the end of the campaign as per my schedule I will be tweeting out my hours so please keep it in tuned. I hope to keep you entertain. If you want to see who is online when go here TeamVGaming. See you in the games!!!!