Poll Taken at GDC

Below is an excerpt from GDC’s State of the game industry press release. The Nintendo Switch will see an influx of new indie games this year more then any other system. The reason behind this is because the Nintendo Switch has the best reception that any system has had! It is the most family friendly system out on the market and that is a plus. 1 out of 3 household at the moment has a Nintendo Switch in stock, and to be honest it can grow to that 1 out of 3 households will have 2 systems in the house because depending on the family size one may be for the adults while the other would be for the kids. 

Interest in making games for
Nintendo’s Switch is rising fast

There’s a notable newcomer on that list of
platforms: Nintendo’s new Switch console. It’s
not quite a year old, but in last year’s survey 3
percent of respondents said they were already
working on a Switch game, and 5 percent were
planning to work on one in the future.

The future is now, and the results of this year’s
survey suggest dev interest in the Switch is
surging. 5 percent of survey respondents say
their last released game is available on the
Switch, 12 percent said they were currently
making a game for the Switch, and 15 percent
expected their next game would be made
available on Nintendo’s new console.

1 in 3 devs thinks the Nintendo
Switch is the most interesting
console on the market

Sometimes, the console you’re most interested
in has nothing to do with your current project.
With that in mind we asked developers which
platforms (if any) interest them most right
now, and “PC” proved the most popular answer
with 59 percent — followed by PlayStation 4/4
Pro (39 percent) and, close behind it, Nintendo
Switch (36 percent).

This is a big deal for Nintendo, given that in
our surveys respondents typically favor PC,
mobile, PS4, and Xbox One. However, this
year Switch surpassed Xbox and mobile in
terms of developer interest; as mentioned,
36 percent of respondents said they were
most interested in the Switch, while 30 percent
said smartphones/tablets and 28 percent said
Xbox One/One X.

Source: GDC State Of The Game Industry

With this information, I can say that the Nintendo Switch will have the best year that any console will have. I think that a lot of developers will jump on the idea. We have to see what happens. 

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