When I first saw the trailer for Headlander I was skeptical about it. I was like this looks really weird. So I didn’t pay much mind to it, until I saw some game play. From what I have played so far, it is a great challenging and the controls are great , with the option of a controller. The story from what I am grasping is that you’re trying to find out what happened that lead you to be a disembodied head that can control robot bodies.

The simple point to it is that what ever robot your take over you gain that robots ability. With this game it takes away from the general game and gives you something that makes you think outside of the box to complete missions and get through the levels in order to get to your destination. Which as of right now it is unknown to me as well(Dont want to spoil). But if you like strategic games and games that make you work for an end result then this is for you.