Happy Kanako’s Killer Life #1

  In this manga, Nishino Kanako detests her current position and is eager to accept the earliest available opportunity. She never anticipated that her interview would be at a firm that represents contract assassins or that she would be exceptionally skilled at shoving people out of the way. Since Kanako lacks a lot of self-assurance, she finds it difficult to get used to her new assassination. This manga is hysterical in the fact that Nishino is constantly comparing herself to different types of animals when she finds herself facing crisis! I find that hysterical, as well as for the coworker who thinks she is in the wrong line of work and should quit.

    Besides that, this first issue has been hysterical seeing a shut-in hermit blossoms up into a cold-blooded killer, as well as likes to do it without any hesitation! The only after effect is that she sometimes pukes! We find out that she is keeping this job from her friends, and her family! So, neither knows what she does for a living which makes the series even funnier. I can’t wait to see where this series drops us next! 

  As it stands right now, I love the beginning. Making it that a girl who is so oblivious to the world and accidently blends into her surroundings an assassin is BRILLIANT!!! I love the whole concept behind the idea, and I can’t wait to see what happens next! I will be picking up the next issue once it’s available, please stay tuned for more updates. 


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