Cozy Grove

Have you ever want to play a game that you just say wow, I want to keep playing this game. With Cozy Grove it is like Animal Crossing without the animals! Instead they get replaced with ghostly figures that you have to assist for their soul to be put at ease. This game is one of the most calming games that I have played so far. It has simple tasks as well as many objects to explore and assist the forest creatures peaceful pass on. This game  Has an animal crossing feel to it.  To beat the game you basically have to go around upgrading parts of Cozy Grove in order to restore the other animals from the  from the afterlife.  This game is actually really fun, you will basically spend hours playing this game. When it comes down to the basics all you’re doing is missions for game characters, and in order to beat the game you have to  Restore every character as well as the Grove to it’s former self. So far this game has been awesome, this is one of those games that is meant to be played over time and not rush the game. This game has a ton of potential for future updates, I cant wait to see what the developers do with this game in the long run. 


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