Wizard of Legend

With this 2-bit animation you are a wizard who is thrown into a dungeon and have to defeat all types of enemies that may arise. All this while you are exploring and pillaging through the caves and forest. This game is a lot of fun but it does take a sort of getting use to because there are some points in the game where you have to plan your movements as to get through these obstacles and challenges that are thrown your way. As you do go and progress through the game you will get items for completing certain levels and defeating certain bosses. With this in mind you do get items that you can say act like upgrades in any other game. What I like about this game is that its not so fast paced and that you can take your time to explore EVERYTHING! Because like I said before you have to go through every single crevice of the game and make sire you find skills, items ect, This game is the type of game that I would love taking with me on a commute, its easy to play not aggressive or aggravating. Its really fun! I will be posting an update when I finally do fully beat this game. 

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