When you look at a game, especially racing game you think”oh more of the same crap, but with more features like 8 players per game, 120+ vehicles, and an unknown amount of players on the server simultaneously. You can change your vehicle on the fly , without any delay or glitch. Also you can jump into races automatically, with a need for speed most wanted feel but with assorted vehicles. This game is going to be fast paced and it’s for all platforms. From what I have played so far this is going to be hard to beat. With brand name cars you will not have any problem selecting a car to race with. Now it’s up to you to decide and choose what you want to do in game. The beta will be released for all platforms. Above is the announcement trailer, this game is going to be epic. When you jump into this beta you won’t be disappointed , with all the features that are going to be added this game is going to EPIC! I can’t wait for the beta.