Solar Flux

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This is a nice puzzle like game where you have to go all over the universe as a member of the Solar Galaxy Federation collecting plasma for dying suns. While you are collecting the plasma you are controlling your ship to maneuver through planets gravitational pull that will keep you in orbit around said planet. 

With that being said you have to use the gravitational pull to your advantage to collect all the plasma. You have to deal with a whole bunch of terrain dangers like Black holes, Meteors , and supernovas to name a few! 

This game will give you 80 missions within 4 galaxies to give you enough to do within the game to keep you occupied foe hours! I like this game because it has a sense of calm to it, at the same time it will give you an awesome challenge. This game won’t disappoint, but be ready to put in a few hours into it!

 So far I have put in about 10 hours into this game and still have yet to get through the first levels, again I’m taking my time to play and enjoy the game no need to rush and beat the game straight out. As I play through it I will let everyone know how long it takes to beat the whole game 100%. But for now this game is awesome and I do recommend it for anyone who wants a nice chill game, with a challenge! 

By Brian DePaul 

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