Mini Metro

Have you ever wondered what it’s like to be the one to create and organize the train system of a certain city? Then look no further, with this game you get the option of what city you would like to design the train system for. As well as how many trains per track ect. With this game you have to be on your feet because once you start getting riders on your train you will have to start expanding to accommodate. With this being said this game is one of those games you play when you want to have a nice quiet evening of gaming. It’s definitely something to look at as well if you like puzzles! With this game you will have hundreds of hours of fantastic game-play creating and maintaing your train systems and also how many trains you have within the system. You keep getting a population increase as you keep adding more tracks and you have to keep up and expand as you keep getting train stops added. This game is so much fun you will be on it for hours ! I have it on the switch and this game is a great game to take on the go! Right now with this game you have train systems from 5 or 6 major cities and I hope they are going to expand on this because I can see so much potential! 

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