Brian Depaul

TechniSport TS49

With everything that I have tried and seen, the best chair I have seen in the market and that I have tried out is TechniSports TS49. This chair is one of the most comfortable chair that I have ever tried, also with myself having back problems I can’t sit on many chairs for a long…

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Audio Technica ATH MSR7

Before I begin with my thoughts on these headphones here’s a small excerpt from the Audio Technica site about Hi-Res audio.  About High-Resolution Audio  In Brief: The Move to Hi-Res Audio While many listeners may believe that high-resolution audio came along with the introduction of the Compact Disc in 1982, constraints on the disc’s storage space…

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CC Cleaner HACKED!

As many people have already heard CCleaner has been hacked! From sources close to the investigation, according to Cisco’s Talos security division the targets were at least 20 of the tech giants(i.e Google, Samsung, HTC, Linksys, DLink & Cisco themselves). This main malware was meant to infected the PC’s and then be able to inject…

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