Brian Depaul

Bethseda E3

Below are the few games that Bethseda has announced at E3. Hope you like what they have to offer! First off we have Rage 2: After the asteroids hits the earth in the first game, you are still fighting for survival. You play as Walker the last ranger of the wasteland. This gamed has seemless…

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Free PUBG Xbox One DLC

On March 22nd all players who already have a character created will receive a free DLC (More likely Xbox cosmetics) Even when PUBG and Xbox are enjoying their partnership. They still have to jump over the biggest hurdle there is and its called Fortnite. They have been eating away at the concurrent players that were…

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VR Resolution Redefined !

Below is the Press Release from Valve back on March 13th, right now I m only reposting the article so that those who haven’t seen it get a chance to view it. Below is the press release that they put out, hope this helps a little in everyones VR quest:  Today we are excited to…

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