Brian Depaul

Not Not

Have you ever wanted to play a game that was a challenge? One that was going to make you think? Well this is the game for you, with this game you do directional puzzles that starts off easy as left to right. But then it gets more complicated as the levels progress, this game is…

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Hifiman Deva

To begin with I have tried many headphones in my lifetime, but I never have tried a pair of headphones that are so comfortable, and sound amazing. When I tried these on and started to listening to my music, I felt an amazing amount of sound coming through the set and the beautiful thing. The…

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Devolver Digital E3

This is a quick post just about the games that Devolver Digital announced. Once I get more information on the games I will update the post. There are 6 games only info I have is the bare minimum. I will also be updating this tomorrow with the links to their trailer if I can.  To…

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XBOX E3 2019 Press Conference

So Microsoft had an awesome E3 press conference, they had a lot of exclusive announcements. Im going to start. Phantasy Star Online 2 , this game is an Xbox Exclusive and is going to be cross play also free to play! This game is looking real good, and I cant wait to get a demo….

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